8.10.24 8am Barnegat Light Family Photos

Family Pictures

8.10.24 8am Barnegat Light Family Photos


Morning photo sessions on the beach often work better for small children because they are typically more refreshed and cooperative after a good night’s sleep. Early in the day, they haven’t yet experienced the fatigue that can set in later, making them more likely to be in good spirits and engaged during the shoot. Additionally, morning sessions align well with meal times, as children tend to be less cranky and more content when they’re not hungry, making it easier to capture those genuine smiles and playful moments.

Moreover, morning light is generally softer and more flattering, which works perfectly for both shade and full sun photos. The beach offers a variety of natural settings where we can easily transition between shady spots, such as under piers or near dunes, and open areas with direct sunlight. This flexibility ensures we can capture a diverse range of images, all while keeping the child comfortable and happy.

Aug 11, 2024

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